Total Nutrition Technology
Thursday, January 1, 2015

With the cold weather and the excitement of the holidays behind us (and possibly some uncomfortably snug pants), January can seem less then kind.  Many of you might be starting out the year reflecting on what all you ate and drank in December - but don't beat yourself up.   The holidays officially behind us, we are all ready to focus on goals for 2015.  

Your goal might be a considerable one, or it might be to just drop a few pounds.  Either way, we have an easy way for you to start the year off on the right foot.  The TNT '2015 New Year - New Your Challenge' - 31 days of physical activities, nutritional ideas and motivation all wrapped up in one place.  

By committing to the TNT 2015 New Year, New You Challenge, you are pledging to focus on the year ahead.  Each day you'll have a fitness challenge and nutritional goal that will help lead you to a healthier life and stay successful toward meeting your personal goal.  These daily tasks were not designed to be hard to accomplish but rather developed to help you stay mindful of your choices and stay on track during your weigh loss journey.

So let's get started and jump right into Week 1.  Good luck!

2015 TNT New Year...New You challenge - Week 2

2015 TNT New Year...New You challenge - Week 3

2015 TNT New Year...New You challenge - Week 4

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