Total Nutrition Technology
Thursday, January 1, 2015

It's the kick-off of Week 1 of TNT's New Year - New You Challenge! Remember small daily goals help set you up for success. Simply focus on each daily task of this challenge as it comes. Each day your are working towards building the skills you need to accomplish your overall goal! And as always before starting any exercise program please check with your doctor and clear any exercise with them before beginning. If at any time you have questions regarding this Challenge - simply contact TNT at OR post your question on our Total Nutrition Technology Facebook Page.


Day 1. 
Fitness: 15 push-ups, 15 dips, 30s plank, 15 leg lifts, and 15 glute kickbacks(each side). 
Nutrition: record today’s food and water intake.

Day 2. 
Fitness: 15s punches, 60s jumping jacks, 15 knee cross crunch (each side), and 15 double arm reach (each side). 

Nutrition: record today’s intake and plan tomorrow’s intake, eating every 3-4 hours.

Day 3. 
Fitness: 15 push-ups, 15 tricep kick backs (each side), 20s side plank (each side), 15 mermaids (each side), and 5 cat/cow stretches. 

Nutrition: yesterday + incorporate > 3 servings of vegetables.

Day 4. 
Fitness: 15 burpees, 15 side imprints (each side), 20s squat punches, 20s towel jump, 15 plank-straddle-hops, and 15 lateral lunges (each side). 
Nutrition: yesterday + 2 fruits.

Day 5. 
Fitness: 20 push-ups, 20 dips, 20 leg lifts, and 20 glute kickbacks (each side). 
Nutrition: yesterday + at least half your grains made whole.

Day 6. 
Fitness: 20s punches, 65s jumping jacks, 20 knee cross crunches (each side), and 20 double arm reach (each side). 
Nutrition: yesterday + reduce added fat intake to 3 servings.

Day 7. 
Fitness: 20 push-ups, 20 tricep kick backs (each side), 25s side plank (each side), 20 mermaid (each side), and 8 cat/cow stretches. 
Nutrition: yesterday + at least 6 c. of water.

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