Total Nutrition Technology
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Antioxidants are nutrients — including vitamins like E and C — that prevent or slow oxidative damage throughout the body. Without busting out the biochemistry books, when cells use oxygen, they naturally generate free radicals (by-products) which can cause cellulardamage. Antioxidants act as free radical bounty hunters that often prevent and repair damage done by the free radicals( 

Antioxidants are abundant in fruits and vegetables, as well as in other foods including nuts, grains and some meats, poultry and fish. 

List of the 20 foods with the highest concentration of antioxidants, according to the USDA:

1. Small red beans

2. Wild Blueberries

3. Red kidney beans

4. Pinto beans

5. Cultivated blueberries

6. Cranberries

7. Artichokes

8. Blackberries

9. Prunes

10. Raspberries

11. Strawberries

12. Red Delicious & Granny Smith apples

13. Pecans

14. Sweet Cherries

15. Black plums

16. Russet potatoes

17. Black beans

18. Plums

19. Gala apples

20. Walnuts


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